Office 365 The collaborative work environment- e-Learning A to Z

In conjunction with ENI,
European Leader in e-learning solutions


Estimated time : 8h30 – code ref. EB365OFFEv1.2

License offered for 1 year – access to videos and step-by-step evaluations

(the video sequences last 2 to 5 minutes, on average)


Take full advantage of the new work environment offered by Microsoft, in order to increase productivity by learning new work processes based on the online services, collaborative work and information sharing.




Office 365: Environment, OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online

Discover the Office 365 environment

  • You need to know: About Office 365
  • The Office 365 interface
  • The profile page (Delve)
  • Managing the details and the profile page

Manage your files in OneDrive for Business

  • You need to know: About OneDrive for Business
  • Creating a folder, a file and adding files
  • You need to know: Saving a file to OneDrive from an Office application
  • Displaying, opening and editing a file stored in OneDrive
  • Managing OneDrive files
  • Moving or copying files
  • You need to know: Syncing OneDrive files
  • Sharing a file or a folder
  • Generating a file’s access link

Take advantage of SharePoint Online’s team sites and libraries

  • You need to know: About SharePoint Online
  • SharePoint team sites
  • The SharePoint libraries
  • Creating a folder or a file, and adding files to a library
  • You need to know: Syncing files from a SharePoint library
  • You need to know: Saving a file to a library from an Office application
  • Displaying, opening and editing a file in a library
  • Renaming or deleting a library’s files
  • Moving or copying files
  • Checking a file out and in
  • Managing a file’s different versions

Sharing a file or a folder

  • Generating a file’s access link
  • Creating an alert for a file, folder or library
  • You need to know: Picture libraries

Outlook Online: Office 365’s online messaging service

Sending and receiving messages

  • About Outlook Online
  • Creating and sending a message
  • Managing a message’s recipients
  • Attaching a file to a message
  • Defining a message’s importance and type
  • Message tracking
  • Received messages
  • Reading a message
  • Replying to and transferring a message
  • Managing received attachments

Managing messages

  • Searching messages
  • Sorting/filtering messages
  • Managing the messaging service’s folders
  • Selecting messages
  • Moving or copying messages
  • Managing important messages
  • Deleting messages
  • Managing junk email
  • Managing mail while absent

Managing contacts

  • The People application
  • Creating a contact
  • Managing contacts
  • Creating and managing a contacts list
  • Searching contacts
  • Creating or joining an Office 365 group
  • Managing an Office 365 group

The Calendar

  • About the Calendar
  • Changing the Calendar’s display
  • Creating and editing an event
  • Organising and managing meetings
  • Replying to a meeting invitation
  • Sharing a calendar
  • Opening a shared calendar

Office Online: The Office 365 Online applications

Office Online

  • About Office Online
  • Managing files in the online applications

Word Online

  • About Word Online
  • Synopsis of the main features
  • The online version’s specificities
  • The Online extras

Excel Online

  • About Excel Online
  • Synopsis of the main features
  • The online version’s specificities
  • The Online extras: online surveys

PowerPoint Online

  • About PowerPoint Online
  • Synopsis of the main features
  • The online version’s specificities

Sharing and co-editing files

  • Sharing files with other contributors
  • Finding files shared with me and files shared by me
  • Managing the file share
  • Discussing a file using comments
  • Co-editing a document

OneNote 2016: Create and share your notes

Creating notes and notebooks

  • About OneNote 2016
  • About OneNote Online
  • Creating your first notebook
  • Adding text to a note
  • Inserting different items into a note
  • Inserting audio and video content into a note
  • Taking handwritten notes
  • Taking notes linked to files
  • Using quick notes

Optimising notes, notes pages and notebooks

  • Structuring a notes page
  • Using page templates
  • Organising notes pages, sections and notebooks
  • Searching for notes
  • Using OneNote with Outlook

Collaborating on notes

  • Sharing notes
  • Managing a shared notebook’s edits and versions
  • Sending notes
  • Protecting a note

Teams: Teamwork in Office 365

Teams and channels

  • About Teams
  • Creating or joining a team
  • Editing or deleting a team
  • Team settings
  • Managing a team’s members
  • Adding and managing guest members
  • Managing the channels
  • Searching for content or people
  • Displaying the notifications and feeds


  • Starting and taking part in channel conversations
  • Creating private chats
  • Using mentions in messages
  • Editing and deleting messages
  • Saving messages
  • Creating and taking part in online meetings
  • Planning an online meeting

Collaborating on files

  • Managing files and folders
  • Collaborating on files
  • Using Wiki pages
  • Adding custom tabs

Office 365: the use cases
Mobility, online meetings and collaborative work

Working mobile

  • Accessing key tools and data while out of the office, using a smartphone or a tablet
  • Giving a presentation using a tablet
  • Working offline with a portable computer or a Surface tablet
  • Taking notes during an external meeting and capitalising them
  • Standard, mobile or online applications: which is best when mobile?

Organising, participating in and leading a remote meeting

  • Organising a meeting and tracking the invitations
  • Easily organising and taking part in a distance meeting
  • Co-creating a meeting report

Communicating and sharing information

  • Sharing numerous and voluminous documents
  • Knowing a co-worker’s availabilities and choosing the best tool to contact them

Working together on a project

  • Registering the opinions and needs of a project’s contributors
  • Co-creating a project deliverable
  • Properly managing project files with Teams

Complementary material
Skype for Business: Communicating in real time

Duration : 08H30
Regular Rate : 175.00 $
Preferential Rate : 148.75 $
Note :



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