Excel Macro commands | Virtual classroom

Course Overview

Discover the usefulness of macro-commands and learn how to create them


Intermediate Microsoft Excel.


Macro Commands:

  • Automating recurring tasks;
  • Creating and saving macros;
  • Running macros;
  • Opening a workbook containing macros;
  • Running macros;
  • Editing macros;
  • Working with absolute and relative references in Visual Basic;
  • Working with the work book containing custom macros and execution errors;
  • Defining the work book containing custom macros;
  • Debugging errors found in macros;
  • Managing macros.
Duration : 3 h
Regular Rate : 179.00 $
Preferential Rate : 152.15 $
Note :

Webinar Web Platform
Access available 15 minutes before the Webinar.
The access instructions and the password will be provided by email 48 hours before the presentation.

Upcoming Dates


Virtual Class

28 Aug 2024 - 13:00 à 16:00

Virtual Class

11 Sep 2024 - 9:00 à 12:00

Virtual Class

6 Nov 2024 - 9:00 à 12:00